The other day, just out of curiosity, I happened to check a dummy portfolio I had created a few years back as part of a finance assignment in college. We were supposed to invest an amount of rupees ten lakh for maximum returns.
It wasn’t surprising that after a good six to seven years the rupees ten lakh invested in stocks, gold and mutual fund was now rupees fourteen lakh, a phenomenal forty percent appreciation. Even though it was not real money it felt good to know that good returns is not a myth if we invest sensibly, at the right time.
Evaluating, isn’t almost everything in our life related to this simple fact; right decision at the right time! The right school, the right college, the right attitude, the right advice, the right career choice, the right friends, the right decision, all at the right time.
The idea is to do well, and for most it would mean studying hard, getting good grades, getting into the best of colleges and grabbing that all so exciting Offer Letter. A successful IIM and Harvard graduate will definitely vouch for the importance of a well-earned degree at the right time from the right institution. But the idea is also to listen to your heart, be passionate about your dream and have an idea that can make all the difference and am sure there would be enough Harvard and IIM dropouts who would vouch for letting go and chasing the dream, all at the right time.
Falling in love at the right time is beautiful, and making sure that the love is real at all times makes it even more beautiful. Along with it the simple act of saying ‘I love you’, ‘Thank You’, ‘Sorry’ at the right time is what keeps the relationship relevant. These simple words have extraordinary power to bring meaning and substance to any relationship.
Many help others financially and otherwise, share with others their most important resource, TIME. But do the recipients receive it at a time when it matters. No one likes to catch the bus an hour later than it’s expected. It matters if we can be of service to others whenever we can and most importantly, at the appropriate time.
We often sing this beautiful hymn in church, “In HIS time, In HIS time, HE makes all things beautiful, in HIS time………… Time for joy and Time for pain, Time for Losing, Time for Gain, Every purpose under heaven has a Time”. Such a beautiful message. A time for everything and everything in its time.
A right decision, a right deed, a right word all at the right time has no alternative. Let us share, love, laugh, fulfill our dreams, be good and stay happy, it may just be the right time!
Be good, Stay Happy!
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